Welcome to my Blog
Hey everyone! Man I have been wanting to start a blog for so long and just never did it. If I’m honest there’s a lot of reasons. First, I wondered if people would actually read it! I thought about what I would talk about and what I could say to capture people’s interest in this time in our world where most people’s attention span is very short! Mine included lol.
Second, I wondered if I had enough “content”. Do I have ENOUGH things to say. There’s been a slew of other things that ran through my mind that kept me frozen from making a move buuuut here I am!
I’m not worried about any of the things I mentioned above enough to keep me from jumping in. I am treating this like my online journal! A place to put my thoughts on “paper” and a place to keep track of my wins and losses and just my overall journey. I have accomplished sooo much and have been so blessed and I want to share to encourage anyone who is also on a journey. There’s been set backs as well as come up’s And I want to document it all.
My prayer is that my journey will encourage other entrepreneurs to start, persevere, get back up, continue on, strive for more, learn and grow. I have done so much and still have so much more to do. So whether you are just meeting me, are a friend, family, follower etc, I welcome you to my journey. We are in this together!
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